About me

I am a PhD candidate in the Computer Science Department at WPI. I am advised by Professor Elke Rundensteiner and I work in the Data Science Research Group.

My research interests include data mining and machine learning, human-computer interaction, and algorithmic fairness. In particular I work on ranking tasks like evaluating candidates for hiring or lending, comparing the economic competetiveness of different regions, or guiding decision makers to find relevant results. Recent projects include developing and evaluating interactive ranking tools and designing pairwise fairness metrics for identifying unfair bias in rankings.

I am passionate about using public data to solve social problems. In the summer of 2016 I was a member of the inaugural class of Science for Social Good Fellows at IBM Research.

I am the lead developer and researcher on MATTERS a public tool which consolidates open data and provides interactive visual analytics for understanding the economic competitiveness of U.S. states.

This site is under construction - please see my CV for publications and experience. I am currently on the job market!